Thursday, January 31, 2008


i think i am going to get all my "former" pet posts out of the way.

gimpy was a cute little black and white kitten. he was born to one of the nameless cats at my in-laws' house. he was different than the other kittens. i'm not sure if it was something he had since birth, or if it was from being dropped. he had some sort of nerve damage or brain damage. he wasn't able to walk or run like the other cats. he would fall over, and on rare occasions, do somersaults. some days were better, some days you could hardly tell he had any issues. he was a fighter. he was right in there getting food...fighting with the other cats, growling, getting his food. he was tough. i fell in love. totally in love with this kitten. i told my husband how much i liked this little black and white kitten. he told me to take it to the vet and bring it home. he didn't have to tell me twice! gimpy lived in our garage because a boy i watch is very allergic to cats. he adjusted well. he would hang out with me at the veggie garden. he would follow the stroller, or if he got tired, he would crawl into the basket under the stroller. he was the coolest cat. he was so loving, but not in the "in your face" way some cats are. even my husband would go outside and play with this cat. everyone loved this cat.

my sister in law (the one that gave us the 2 dogs) had a dog named maya. maya had been abused and was terrified of men. she would hide when men came around, and if they tried to touch her or get close to her, she would shake uncontrollably and pee. she also had a thing for small animals. since she had come to live there, we had noticed that the cat population had been decreasing. i thought they had just found somewhere better.

one day, i opened the garage door and then went in to get grace and josh. it was november (right before i found out i was pregnant with zack), so i had to get their coats and stuff on. as i was getting the kids ready, my sister in law called. is the cat outside? yeah. "oh my god i think maya has him". i was out the door. i spotted maya down by the fence line. she had something in her mouth and was throwing and shaking it. please please please let it be something else. please. i ran down there shoe less, coatless, and yelling the whole way. she dropped the something, and ran about 10 feet away. please please please don't let it be him. it was my kitty. please please please let him just be hurt. i picked him up and held him in my arms. i held my hand to his chest. please let there be a heartbeat, please let him be breathing. please let him be ok. one look, and i knew he was gone. i was completely numb. i cradled him and walked back to the house. my sister in law was crying, so so sorry. i called my husband. he was upset for me. i couldn't feel anything. i couldn't believe he was gone. i took a shower, and cried. i cried until the water turned cold. my heart hurt so badly. my kitty, my little fighter, my gimpy was gone.


Jen said...

that makes my heart sad. i am not a big fan of cats, mostly because i am allergic to most of the ones i meet. but it is not very often that you find a cool cat that has a great personality!

Martie said...

Hi! I thought I would let you know about our 30-day housekeeping challenge over at Martie's House. Come and check it out and join the fun!

Hope to see you there.


Martie said...

Hi! I thought I would let you know about our 30-day housekeeping challenge over at Martie's House. Come and check it out and join the fun!

Hope to see you there.
