Monday, February 4, 2008

martie's challenge

cleaning challenge:
kitchen: 20 (this includes wiping down the counters, sweeping, and a couple loads of dishes)
dining room: 20 (this includes taking out the extra chairs, sweeping, and spot cleaning all the chairs)
living room: 20 (this includes all the above, plus i made the kids pick up 5 things each)
hallways: 20 (this includes vaccuming and spot cleaning the floor)
upstairs bath: 10 that's it
main bath: 10 that's all that was need
master bedroom: didn't even think about it. it gives me hives just thinking about it.
master bath: 10 that's all it needed
my main focus room: ok, i didn't even start. i am still a little scared of it. but i will start tomorrow. i promise. really i do!
so i did all this, plus made lunch for 6 kids, and 3 adults, took kids to the bus stop, picked up one at the bus stop, picked up kids at school, and folded about 8 loads of laundry. (i just added this paragraph to make myself feel better about how i totally slacked off on my main focus room)


Huse Yo Mama said...

I am out of breath just reading it.

Good job, mom!!!

Elizabeth Byler Younts said...

thanks for stopping by yesterday! i hope you con't to come by and I will's always fun connecting up with other moms. hope you signed up for the giveaway! only a few day left! *elizabeth

Martie said...

Yow-za! Way to go!!! Come sign in and tell everyone under today's challenge post!

I'm very impressed.
